[Edo Tokyo Rethink] Special site is now open[Edo Tokyo Rethink] Special site is now open

[Edo Tokyo Rethink] Special site is now open

It will be launched on March 24, 2022. Contemporary art at the intersection of tradition and innovation by contemporary artist Noritaka Tatehana.

[Edo Tokyo Rethink] Special site is now open

Edo Tokyo Rethink -The Future of Traditional Industry Seen Through Art at the Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens-
SPECIAL SITE https://en.edotokyokirari.jp/exhibition/

Taking part in the exhibition will be seven companies, those being Isehan Honten (Traditional red “beni” pigment), Takahashi Kobo (Woodblock prints), Hanashyo (Edo “kiriko” cut glass), Koikko Matsuzaki Ningyo (posted material dolls), Miyamoto Unosuke Shoten(Taiko drums), Mokumeganeya (Layered “mokumegane” metal laminate), Ryukobo (“Kumihimo” braided rope).

[Edo Tokyo Rethink] Special site is now open

As with the 2021 exhibition, contemporary artist Noritaka Tatehana will also be the director for this year’s exhibition. His art has received acclaim from across the globe, and his iconic heel-less shoes, most famously worn by Lady Gaga, are on permanent collection at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, and London’s Victoria and Albert Museum.

What will emerge from the collaboration of “techniques of Edo Tokyo” passed down from generation to generation, and the perspective of “modern art”?

[Edo Tokyo Rethink] Special site is now open

The exhibition-site will be the Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens, a nationally designated important cultural property.

Photo by GION

Online Exhibition Outline
Exhibition Title: Edo Tokyo Rethink -The Future of Traditional Industry Seen Through Art at the Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens-
Exhibition Period: March 24, 2022 (Thu) 14:00 – March 31, 2022 (Thu)
*The exhibition will be available for viewing as an archive at the same URL even after the online exhibition ends.
Organizer: Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Edo-Tokyo Kirari Project
Co-organizer: Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association