“We want to focus on the cultural background of traditional industries and therefore, create a space where we can promote new values.” Noritaka Tatehana talks about how he feels concerning the opening of the Exhibition online “EDO TOKYO RETHINK”.
LIFEThe exhibition “EDO TOKYO RETHINK” is led by Noritaka Tatehana, a modern artist who provide us a new overview on the different aspects and values of the traditional culture, which was transmitted for a long time. Considering the circumstances, the exhibition will be eventually available online. Given that the social environment changed completely and that everything is restricted and confined, I wanted to get closer to the backstage in order to have a glimpse of the feelings that the exhibition provokes: “What do the audience can perceive from the Japanese industries and art through this exhibition?”

The new traditional industry, represented by Mr. Tatehana, is the most impressive from all his exhibition.
I would like the audience to experience the unique perspective of the exhibition’s director of Noritaka Tatehana.
This exhibition is a first step for Mr. Tatehana but it shows his commitment and determination. “The fact that this event would take place on the internet, hasn’t changed the enthusiasm nor the direction towards we want to work. In that case, whenever we listen that someone is connecting online, it could seem like having a negative point at first. But instead of comparing it with a physical place where people can interact, I researched about all the possibilities I could manage online. Not only showing the artist’s incredible work, but what about showing the creator’s perspective and the commercial attractiveness as an exhibition manager? I think it is important to outline this perspective and transmit it. In my opinion, it is essential that the audience can unravel the exhibition history through my own eyes. That is why I believe it is necessary to embody this role as a director.” How does the traditional industry in Edo and Tokyo reflects itself through Mr. Tatehana’s eyes and what future does he predict? By feeling it, we can notice his own values.

Mr. Tatehana talks about his enthusiasm accomplishing this exhibition online, which represents a huge challenge for him.

Using the vermilion red called “Beni”, produced in the Isehan’s head store, patterns of thunder and clouds appear on the painting, representing important topics about his work.
I think we can find vestiges from old battles into the art and culture.
The cultural background and the Japanese art are often closely related to the current social sphere. All the changes in this environment have great repercussions on the people. That’s exactly what is happening right now. At first sight, it seems like this situation only brings negative aspects but is this the case? “I think that the core of this exhibition’s issue should start from the traditional industries in Edo and Tokyo’s perspective such as our historical past in order to understand our future.”, said Mr. Tatehana. The nature of things that can only be distinguished in that circumstances and the value that hasn’t never been noticed, isn’t it a great opportunity to get in touch with our own values? Don’t miss this exhibition, which is a new challenge as well as a new cultural value of traditional industries in Edo and Tokyo, from Mr. Tatehana’s point of view.