[Porter Classic] Original short film and animated short released

[Porter Classic] Original short film and animated short released

On December 24, 2020, Porter Classic released a short film entitled “SASHIKO” and an animated video entitled “Weight Disappears (NEWTON BAG)” on YouTube.

Both projects were directed by Kyotaro Hayashi and Yuichiro Fujishiro (DRAWING AND MANUAL), the hottest filmmaking team in the industry, along with Takuma Takasaki, who worked on scripting and planning, and Yuki Sakurai, who starred in “SASHIKO.” ROBOT COMMUNICATIONS of Always: Sunset on Third Street (Oruweizu: Sanchome no Yuhi) fame was in charge of production.

Please check out these two videos from PORTER CLASSIC, a committed supporter of MADE IN JAPAN with the goal of “providing fresh perspectives on Japanese craftsmanship to the world, and a desire to touch the hearts of all.”

[Porter Classic] Original short film and animated short released

「S A S H I K O」
The material sashiko was born of a “heart that values all things.” The warm charms of this timeless world-class fabric, which have been passed down through generations, are a source of great pride for Japan. The short film “SASHIKO” revolves around a particularly intimate conversation between the main character Sashiko, on Earth, and her lover Sora, in space.

*Sashiko: threads sewn into layered cloth for reinforcement, providing greater strength and added warmth. The embroidery technique of sashiko to strengthen cloth has been passed down over many years. At Porter Classic, we still carry the original sashiko fabric series “PC SASHIKO.”

[Porter Classic] Original short film and animated short released

“Weight Disappears NEWTON BAG”
The NEWTON BAG is the culmination of the passion of craftsmen using cutting-edge technology. Enjoy the light music that kicks off the animated short, “Weight Disappears NEWTON BAG”, along with its deeper theme, that “every idea comes from passion.”

*NEWTON BAG: A bag that is easy on the body, with its strap fitted with muatsu, a top-selling product from renowned bedding retailer Showa Nishikawa. Made with high quality urethane materials, sewn together by top Japanese craftsmen using cutting-edge technology.

■Newton Bag
*Currently under renewal. Please direct inquiries to bag@porterclassic.com.

■Newton Bag Instagram


■Porter Classic News Official Instagram account.